- 04 23 14
Triune Gods’s second album “≠Three cornered world” which was released April 23 2014
Music written, produced and mixed by Scott Da Ros at Spaacemoon Snoowcaat
Lyrics written and performed by Sibitt and bluebird
Vocals recorded by Scott Da Ros at Spaacemoon Snoowcaat in Montreal, QC
Bass on Causing Terror by Michael Feuerstack
Background vocals on The flight of the fearless and Kaonashi by Thesis Sahib
Crickets on 生首 recorded by Sibitt
Additional sing-along vocals on 3 3 3 by Scott Da Ros, Otani Yosuke, Kato Daiki, Hermitofthewoods, J.LaPointe, Recyclone, Daniel MacDonald, Michael Feuerstack, and Katie Ward
Mastered by J.LaPointe at Archive Mastering
Artwork concept, design and layout by Hiro Kurata
Additional layout by Kato Daiki
Released on CD and 12 vinyl by Granma Music
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