- Deadly Stare: Colors (Lathe Cut, 2020)
- Deadly Stare: The Electric Seaenfiora (Lathe Cut/Cassette/CD, 2018)
- Scott Da Ros: Layers of Silence (LP, 2015)
- Triune Gods: ≠ Three Cornered World Instumental (Digital, 2014)
- Triune Gods: ≠ Three Cornered World (CD/LP, 2014)
- Triune Gods: Seven Days Six Nights Instrumental (Digital, 2014)
- Triune Gods: Seven Days Six Nights (CD, 2011)
- Scott Da Ros: …One Kind Of Dead End (CD, 2006)
- Epic & Deadly Stare: So Much Class (Digital, 2025)
- Endemik Remote Ensemble: They Fired With Their Lives (Digital, 2022)
- Scott Da Ros: SADR_VS_WU (Digital, 2015)
- Deadly Stare: Reverse Alchemy / Death Watch Beetle (7″, 2013)
- Triune Gods: Same Train (7″, 2011)
- Scott Da Ros: Monster Mashout / Humans Bury Deep (7″, 2005)
- Scott Da Ros: They Made Me Do It (7″, 2005)
Appearing as Scott Da Ros or Deadly Stare
- Zedrine: Arborescence (CD, Digital, 2022)
- Maki: Illustrations of Botany (Cassette, 2017)
- Héliodrome: Le Jardin des Espèces (LP, 2017)
- Hermitofthewoods: Land of the Lotus Eaters (CD, LP, 2013)
- Sibitt: Zymolytic Human (CD, 2012)
- Bon Arrow & Deadly Stare: Lonely Road (Digital, 2012)
- Bottled Outside in 1964 (10″, 2011)
- Héliodrome: Black Meat/Looking For Dr. Benway (7″, 2011)
- Kid Koala: Space Cadet (10″, BOOK/CD, 2011)
- Recyclone: Demented Mutation (Digital, 2011)
- Kaigen21Meiso: Root Is The New Leaf (CD, 2010)
- bleubird: rip U$A (CD, 2LP, 2009)
- Filkoe: Lost Zoo Keys and the Animal Spirits That Haunt Them (CD, 2009)
- Ira Lee: My Favorite Songs By Me (CD, 2009)
- Nuccini!: Matters Of Love And Death (CD, LP, 2009)
- Sontiago: Steel Yourself (CD, 2009)
- soso: Tinfoil on the Windows (CD, 2009)
- bleubird: Wild Street Fire (7″, 2009)
- bleubird: Street Talk 2 (Digital, 2008)
- bleubird: CYP Not PYT (5″, 2008)
- Héliodrome: La lumière ordinaire du jour (CD, 2008)
- Higher State: Gated Communities (CD, 2008)
- Posse Cut: Fuck You, We Don’t Need You (Digital, 2008)
- Audio 88: Wer Schweigt, Gibt Recht (CD, 2007)
- bleubird: Sloppy Doctor (CD, 2LP, 2003)
Appearing as Scott Da Ros
- sign one: B$ Single (Cassette Single, 2016)
- A Band of Buriers: Filth (CD, 2012)
- Héliodrome: Le Meurtre Primitif (Ou Comment Tuer Un Mort-Vivant) (CD, 2009)
- Prinzenallee: Sobo (CD, 2009)
- Zucchini Drive: Hairstyle Like Hers (CD, 2008)
- Project Dark: And It Was Black (CD, 2007)
- Skyrider: Good Morning (CD, 2006)
- bleubird: Dark Dirty Places (CD, 2005)
- Sixtoo: Snake Bite (miniCD, 2005)
Appearing as Deadly Stare
- (Collaboration with Kid Koala) soso & Maki: Not Yet (Digital, 2021)
- INSTRUMENTS: Decent Worm (Digital, 2011)
- Bell Orchestre: Airlines / Landlines (CD, 2009)
- Zedrine: Arborescence (CD, Digital, 2022)
- Deadly Stare: Colors (Lathe Cut, 2020)
- Zedrine: 150 000 km (Digital, 2019)
- Deadly Stare: The Electric Seaenfiora (Lathe Cut, 2020)
- rosemo(u)nt antiquartet: fuguer le cillement du refuge en soi (CD, 2018)
- rosemo(u)nt antiquartet: diverses envolées de voix en essaims d’esseulement (Cassette, 2017)
- Héliodrome: Le Jardin des Espèces (LP, 2017)
- Triune Gods: ≠ Three Cornered World (CD/LP, 2014)
- Hermitofthewoods: Land of the Lotus Eaters (CD/LP, 2013)
- Triune Gods: Seven Days Six Nights (CD, 2011)
- Héliodrome: Black Meat/Looking For Dr. Benway (7″, 2011)
- Filkoe: Lost Zoo Keys and the Animal Spirits That Haunt Them (CD, 2009)
- Héliodrome: Allons, Livrons-Nous Au Cultes Des Étoiles (CD, 2009)
- Héliodrome: Il N’y A Plus De Fleurs Au Jardin Des Hommes (CD, 2009)
- Sontiago: Steel Yourself (CD, 2009)